About Us

Welcome To Yoga Bharath

Yoga Bharath is a Yoga Teacher Training and Placements institute based on two different schools of Yoga i.e Traditional Patanjali School of Yoga and Dynamic school of Yoga made Yoga Bharath  a unique Yoga Institute.Blending Ancient Yoga with contemporary yoga methods,Yoga master developed a comprehensive Yoga approach to different needs of individuals.We encourage students to do yoga naturally with proper corrections and adjustment without use of more props.

Why we are so Special

Ours is the only  Yoga Institue in the world which stresses on Individual Training,Online Training,Yoga Therapy Training, Prenatal Yoga Training, Mudra Yoga Training and regular Yoga classes on many yoga styles under one roof to understand deep yogic science and spirituality practice. Yoga students will stop searching and catch up Yoga Bharath if they are looking for yoga retreat in India or Yoga schools in India for Teachers Training from beginners to Advance levels. Our school also focuses on Pranayama and Meditation classes with proper personal attention.Today, It is well known meditation center in Hyderabad to conduct Meditation for Spirituality and therapeutic benefits. We give this in course basis as well as a part of all Certified Yoga Instructors Courses. All Yoga seekers will receive Yoga knowledge with customized theory, philosophy,technical information with history of India Yoga traditions in simplified way in easy English, Hindi and Telugu language. We believe Yoga is not a mere physical exercise but a state of mind. Yoga is key in transformation of an individual at physical,Emotional,Mental and Spiritual level.

Yoga Master

Yoga Master is the founder and director of Yoga Bharath established in the year 1990. He has been practicing yoga since 1987.Since then he has been a practitioner, a teacher and an ardent learner of this ancient science. He has taught thousands of people from different walks of life in from India and abroad.He gave Teacher Training to more than thousand sincere Yoga enthusiasts. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali , Bhagavad Gita ,Upanishads,Yoga Vasishta and Ashtavakra Gita are dearer to his heart. He gives talks on Yoga and conducts Workshops on Stress Management,Pursuit of Happiness,Yogic way of living.Learn from the master who transcended the body and the mind.

Yoga is not mere Asana(Posture).Asana(Posture)is only ten percent of Yoga.Yoga addreses body,mind and beyond.Yoga is a way of life.Yoga speaks about life in totality.Yoga is beyond religion and philosophy.Yoga is the way which guides and liberates us from what we are to where we have to be and to what we really should be.

About Yoga Bharath

Yoga Bharath is the place to learn the true spirit of Yoga. We do not see Yoga as a mere physical exercise. Starting from the body, moving beyond body and understand the dynamics of the mind and transcend from there to real state of happiness. The approach itself is different and elevating. We encourage Yoga practitioners not to be mechanical,monotonous but be creative and be in the pursuit of exploration. Yoga is a journey which starts from outside and ends inside. Yoga the greatest Art India has given to the world has to be understood,investigated and experienced. We welcome one and all to take the beautiful journey of Yoga to have a healthy,happy and fulfilling life ahead of us all.